Reimbursement for Complex Endoscopic Resection, Navigating the Tortuous Road (Dr. Othman)
This webinar focuses on both reimbursement challenges and practical solutions for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) in mainstream practice. Dr. Othman and ASGE Staff will cover the following topics (via video, lecture, and interactive Q&A discussion):
- Establishing a sustainable complex endoscopic resection program
- Navigating reimbursement of the physician fees for ESD procedures
- Integrating an ESD practice within an RVU-based system
Who Should Participate?
- Gastroenterologists, advanced endoscopists
- Colorectal surgeons performing complex polyp resection
- Members of hospital value analysis committees and administration
- Welcome and Introduction (ASGE Staff) Mohamed Othman, MD
- Reimbursement for Complex Endoscopic Resection, Navigating the Tortuous Road (Dr. Othman)
- Q&A from Audience (ASGE Staff/Dr. Othman)
- Highlights and Final Take Away Points (Dr. Othman)
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