This two day course, which will be held at the state of the art ASGE Institute for Training and Technology (IT&T), has been developed to provide a comprehensive experience in ESD that will take the advanced endoscopist from theory to the hands on practice of ESD, discussing and demonstrating the fine points of the technique.
Reimbursement for Complex Endoscopic Resection, Navigating the Tortuous Road (Dr. Othman) Overview: This webinar focuses on both reimbursement challenges and practical solutions for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) in mainstream practice.… Continue reading Reimbursement for Complex Endoscopic Resection, Navigating the Tortuous Road (Dr. Othman)
Focusing on an intensive hands-on experience designed for gastroenterologists, surgical endoscopists, gastroenterology fellows, and GI nurses. State-of-the-art lectures by leaders in the Field will cover techniques and cutting-edge advances in GI Endoscopy in both flexible endoscopic surgery and bariatric endoscopy.